Your mind is a muscle, the most important one. (Friendly reminder)

Remember, your mind is a muscle. 

I understand. Some days are harder than others. It’s hard and complicated… to give it time in your messy and tired schedule. To remember you -still- must do it. To give it your best try and keep up the work. It is very hard… to put your mental health first.

Don't get me wrong. I know you are doing so much better. I can see it in your eyes, and in your smile, and even in your walk. You are a bunch of steps farther away from the numbness, and sadness and all the dark things. You see and enjoy all the good that IS around you. Yay you!

…But, (and there's always a but). 

Do you remember how you got here? And why you need to not stop? 

This… is a friendly reminder of some things that I’m afraid you might be forgetting.

You didn't just change from one day to another dear, and this “thing” wasn't just “fixed”.

It took you a lot of constant practice, a lot of discipline and doing hard things…. loottss and lots of doing to get here. 

Time, space, openness. Reading, learning, practicing. Meditating, exercising, getting your ass to therapy, taking your pills when needed, going back to art, following sleeping schedules, writing A LOT. Self awareness. Acceptance and understanding of what is going on. Trying new ways, catching bad habits and re-routing as many times as needed.

This is your mind honey. Your home. Your 24/7 and I know you know this. But still, from the bottom of my heart please, do not let your guard down, find the time to center. Find the time for health.

I see life is getting busier. I see feeling good has given you a lift to do more and better. I see you happy and I am proud. 

But you can't forget that all this doing made you shine this bright. All this doing is worth it. And all this doing will keep you a little more steady when something hard happens, because it will eventually.

Just remember chelly you,

You're doing good but you didn't just get here,

keep up the work. 

Your mind is a muscle. The most important one.


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